Here's your 'Midweek Motivator' for December 10th 2009

I went to my first Christmas party last night, where I and other guests enjoyed copious amounts of alcohol. I awoke this morning not feeling well, with what could be described as flu-like symptoms; headache, nausea, chills, sore eyes, etc. From the results of some initial testing, I have unfortunately tested positive for what experts are now calling Wine Flu. This debilitating condition is very serious - and it appears this is not an isolated case. Reports are flooding in from all around the country of others diagnosed with Wine Flu. To anyone that starts to exhibit the aforementioned tell-tale signs, experts are recommending a cup of tea and a bit of a lie down. Wine Flu does not need to be life threatening and, if treated early, can be eradicated within a 24-48 hour period. Cheers! Richard NOTE If you find you are complaining a lot, it may be that it has mutated into Whine Flu. This is particularly common in men and can quickly spread to their partners where the symptoms are detected as a serious case of eye-rolling.

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator' for November 26th 2009

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator' for November 5th 2009
It's Bonfire Night here in the UK - I doubt anyone else in the World celebrates it!?
Anyway, here's a few Bonfire Night jokes..
How many safety inspectors does it take to light the bonfire?
Four - one to light the match and three to hold the fire extinguisher

How many civil servants does it take to set fire to Guy Fawkes?
One to strike the match and twenty two to fill in the paper work.

How many Mafia hitmen does it take to light the bonfire?
One to set fire to the effigy, one to watch his back, and one to shoot any witnesses.
How many aerospace engineers does it take to light the kindling sticks?
NONE...You don’t need a rocket scientist to start a bonfire!
And the cartoon of the day...

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator' for October 15th 2009

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator' for September30th 2009

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator' for September17th 2009

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator' for August 20th 2009

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator' for August 12th 2009

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator' for August 7th 2009

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator' for July 29th 2009

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator' for June 18th 2009

It's a cartoon video I worked on the Gary Ryan Blair of The Goals Guy
click on the following link to go through to You Tube...


Here's your 'Midweek Motivator' for June 2nd 2009

Moral: “Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the
world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else
would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator' for May 15th 2009
With all talk of 'expenses claims' in the news I thought I'd
mention I never add them to my invoices! When you ask for
a quote there's no hidden extras like the costs of cleaning my
pool, my butler or upkeep of my mansion!
Moral: You don't always have to work hard - you just need to
work smart!

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator' for May 7th 2009

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator' for April 23rd 2009

Have you been watching Britain's Got Talent?
Susan Boyle, has captured the world's attention.
In case you've missed it, she's a 47-year-old unemployed charity
worker who lives with her cat in a small village in Scotland.
Susan Boyle is a phenomenal role model for all of us, not just
because of her talent or her courage or her perseverance or her
supportive friends. She is a phenomenal role model for us
because she is us, in all our awkward ordinariness and amazing
Her YouTube video has received 50,000,000 hits - I'm thinking
of asking her to appear on my web site!!

Susan Boyle dreamed a dream!

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator' for April 1st 2009

Did you get caught out with any April Fool's Day jokes? I did...

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for March 4th 2009

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for February 13th 2009

Okay, I'm a day early but I thought I'd go with a Valentine's
Day cartoon this week...(I think I'm taking the missus out
for a meal instead of trying to cook one - I got this idea from

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for February 6th 2009

The UK has come to a near stand still with the snow,
schools closed, councils running out of grit, people can't
get to work(And going sledging with the kids instead!).
Which has inspired this week's cartoon...

That's what I like about them, no matter what the weather getting here isn't a problem!

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for January 28th 2009

I think I'm suffering from S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder).
Symptoms: lack of energy, lethargy, craving for carbohydrates
and sweet foods. I need some serious sunshine - so I thought
about going down to my local tanning studio...but then came
across this old cartoon I'd drawn and thought maybe not!?

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for January 15th 2009

Hey, doesn't that remind you of the reader of this cartoon?

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for January 8th 2009

I'd like to wish you a Merry Christmas and aHappy New Year from all the 'STAFF' at the Cartoon Studio!

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for December 17th

Eight shopping days until Christmas and I still haven't done
mine! On the subject of shopping...In the frozen foods
department of our local supermarket, I noticed a man
shopping with his son. As I walked by, he checked something
off his list, and I heard him whisper conspiratorially to the
child, "You know, if we really mess this up, we'll never have
to do it again.


Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for December 3rd

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for November 26th

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for November 5th
Bonfire Night celebrates the failed attempt by Guy Fawkes to blow up the Houses of Parliament
back in 1605. Realistically, on the 5th of November people forget the history and just enjoy
the chance to let off fireworks, have a bonfire, and cook sausages and baked potatoes outdoors

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for October 31st

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for October 22nd

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for October 2nd

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for September 19th
I know it's not Christmas yet, but this week I received my
first commissions for corporate Christmas cards. So I'm using
this as a reminder for you to start thinking about yours!

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for September 3rd

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for August 28th

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for August 20th

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for August 6th

I've been working on a new cartoon character. It
immediately falls in love with highly intelligent,
very good looking creative people. (Especially
those who commission work from the Cartoon

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for July 30th

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for July 23rd

Hey, did you hear about the worker who slipped off a
ladder in an Indian food factory and bumped his head very

I'm not sure, he's still in a KORMA!

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for July 16th

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for July 9th

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for July 2nd

Nigel was all for continuous learning, but wasn't
too sure about this particular refresher course!

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for June 25th

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for June 18th

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for June 11th

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator for June 4th

Here's your 'Midweek Motivator' for May 28th 2008....
If you think you're having a bad day - spare a thought for this guy...

Here's the 'Midweek Motivator' for May 21st 2008....

Here's the 'Midweek Motivator' for May 14th 2008....
This is the first of my 'Midweek Motivators' - it's an idea I've had for ages but never got
around to doing. It's meant to be a little bit of fun, short and sweet, a motivational cartoon
that inspires you onto success maybe.
You're receiving this because I've had some contact with you - you're a client, a supplier,
or a friend.

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Weekly Motivators
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Health and Safety Cartoons
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Customer Service Cartoons
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Childrens Books
Cartoons For Presentations
Colouring Cartoons
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Web Cartoonist
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Soccer/Football Motivators
Golf Day cartoons/caricatures
Safer Routes To School
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Crazy Salesman Cartoons
Cartoons For Charities
Rich Pictures
Stress Cartoons

Featured Cartoons

A cartoon map to illustrate the
possible engineering and
technology jobs
for pre-GCSE
pupils. Commissioned by the
Engineering and Technology

Health and Safety cartoons
can illustrate serious
messages in a light hearted
way. If you use cartoons on a
regular basis this will embed
the message into their minds
and keep them informed of on
going safety issues.

I cannot recommend the
Cartoon Studio enough
for the
value they added to our pitch
and the competitive edge his
designs gave us...

Thank you,
Marie Brown
Regional Fundraising Manager
NCH, the children's charity.

A valued and unique gift your
clients will remember long
after photographs have faded
the recipient willadmire you
and your judgement!


Cartoon Motivators - humorous cartoon images
to keep you motivated and
inspired on your way to

Some recent client projects
Cartoon strips for Triton Showers
Large cartoon map of the United Kingdom.
Hewlett Packard
promo cartoon strip.
Velcro -
"Hidden Hero" cartoon strip.
East Midlands Electricity
safety posters.
cartoon to illustrate "What Kind Of Diner Are You?
The Disney Channel
recipe cartoon strips.

Clerical Medical
cartoon strips to promote their

Abbey National
Pin-head aches cartoons.
World Cup Cartoons
- promo for Andrews and Hedex!
Deb Limited
product launch.