Cartoon Studio mission statement...Produce quality cartoons for YOU in a creative and stressfree manner!

Here's some cartoons I did to illustrate a book titled WHO PAYS YOUR SALARY - IT’S NOT YOUR BOSS By Jacob Thomas.

If you would like to reserve your copy of the book please click here...WHO PAYS YOUR SALARY

I'm going to show you how I progressed the ideas and the completed cartoons and also how to place your order for the book.

CHAPTER 1 extract...
I want to share a little known secret about the value of delivering good service to customers. Yes, it’s good for business and the organization. Yes, you may derive a lot of satisfaction by doing a customer service job well. No question. But what’s the most compelling reason to learn about, and deliver good customer service? It’s this. When you deliver good customer service to your customers, you experience less stress, and less hassle and grief from customers. They argue less. They’re much less likely to insult, and they’re less demanding. They don’t threaten you when they get upset (I’ll have your job!”).

Here's my original sketch...

Here's how it progressed to the finished cartoon...

CHAPTER 2 extract...Carole was shopping for undergarments.

She was a large woman and went to a branded store expecting help with comfort and fit. As she browsed in between the various clothing sections she made eye contact with some attendants hoping one of them would offer to assist. But most went about doing whatever they were doing and a few afforded her a hurried smile at best!

A little disappointed Carole approached the cash point. There she noticed a number of attendants talking to each other in their native language. They didn’t acknowledge Carole and continued with their discussion. So Carole forced herself to interrupt and asked if someone could help her with undergarments. One of the attendants nonchalantly pointed to a far off section and said, “Undergarments are in that section.” 

Embarrassed and annoyed she made her way to the section for undergarments.

We then went off in a different direction illustrating 'Our Company's Greatest Asset...

And went for this cartoon in the end...

Satisfied customers keep coming back again and again!

CHAPTER 3 Extract....

There’s an old expression, “Perception is all there is”. The customer’s perception is reality, and perception is rarely neutral: it’s either positive or negative.

When seating me in a St. Louis area restaurant, the host pulled out the chair. I was grateful, but one look under the table filled me with apprehension. I could see under the table that the floor was littered with crumbs and empty cracker packages. When I see the dining room floor, I now know what the kitchen looks like and what kind of food to expect. That’s my perception — and it becomes the reality by which I decide whether to eat there again.

Here’s the opposite. I take my car to a repair shop that always washes it upon completing the repairs. So when I arrive and see my clean car, I am certain the car’s been repaired properly! That’s my perception — and it becomes the reality by which I decide whether to take my car there again.

CHAPTER 4 extract...Do you know your customers?
Knowing what your customers want should be 90% of your business. The rest is producing & distributing.

Make them feel like CUSTOWNERS!

Make them feel at home and make it clear that you are there because of them — to serve them and nothing else but to serve them.

Never forget that the customer pays your salary and makes your job possible.

CHAPTER 5 extract...

Customers Are Important!
Customers are the pay-gurus and therefore the most important people for any organization. The success of any business depends on its customer resource.

Why do you think are customers important?

1. Without customers no organization would ever exist. Thus, the purpose of any organization is to fulfill the needs of the customers.

2. The backbone of selling is repeat business. Any business will limp if there is no repeat business.

3. Satisfied customers can generate a lot of ‘word of mouth’ publicity; which is very important for any business. Customer referral is possible when your existing customers are happy with you.

Stand up for your Customers, Not for your Bosses!

This was the first draft for the cartoon - which didn't quite make the grade...

This was the second draft of the cartoon later changed.

The final version!



Boss — Walk the Talk

Hence we will talk about how a single attitude causes effective improvement in team effort in an organization. This managerial attitude is called “Walk the talk”. It is essentially a practice or leadership strategy in which a team leader demonstrates the leadership consistency between cognitive and behavioral assurance for the team members.

Walk the talk is a cognitive behavioral leadership component. 

Walk the talk is instrumental in enhancing team effectiveness such as team innovativeness, team efficacy, and team performance.

Walk the talk increases the leader’s influence through vision and sacrifice on the same dimensions of team effectiveness. 

Customer Service Courtesies


Greet them

Introduce yourself


Pleasing tone of voice

Address the customer by their name/title

Help people who are lost; find where they need to go and accompany them

Greet other employees as you pass by; help create an atmosphere of friendliness (internal customers)

Explain your actions as you perform them

Actively listen


Don’t judge

Respect them at all times



The customer is the KING.

Treat him thus and he will make you rich.

Mistreat him and he will banish you from business.

If you would like to reserve your copy of the book please click here...WHO PAYS YOUR SALARY

Featured Cartoons

A cartoon map to illustrate the
possible engineering and
technology jobs
for pre-GCSE
pupils. Commissioned by the
Engineering and Technology

Health and Safety cartoons
can illustrate serious
messages in a light hearted
way. If you use cartoons on a
regular basis this will embed
the message into their minds
and keep them informed of on
going safety issues.

I cannot recommend the
Cartoon Studio enough
for the
value they added to our pitch
and the competitive edge his
designs gave us...

Thank you,
Marie Brown
Regional Fundraising Manager
NCH, the children's charity.

A valued and unique gift your
clients will remember long
after photographs have faded
the recipient willadmire you
and your judgement!


Cartoon Motivators - humorous cartoon images
to keep you motivated and
inspired on your way to

Some recent clients on other cartoon projects....
Cartoon strips for Triton Showers
arge cartoon map of the United Kingdom.
Hewlett Packard promo cartoon strip.
Velcro - "Hidden Hero" cartoon strip.
East Midlands Electricity safety posters.
Beefeater cartoon to illustrate "What Kind Of Diner Are You?
The Disney Channel recipe cartoon strips.
Clerical Medical cartoon strips to promote their
Abbey National Pin-head aches cartoons.
World Cup Cartoons - promo for Andrews and Hedex!
Deb Limited product launch.