Football and Soccer Mobile and Cellphone Wallpapers
Welcome to the football and soccer mobile and cellphone wallpapers section of Cartoon Studio where you will be able to find a collection of funny, amusing and inspiring mobile and cellphone wallpapers and animations.
Everyone likes to be seen as 'good for a laugh' and what better why than to personalise your phone with a humorous wallpaper or screen saver!?
Personalising your mobile phones wallpaper is a common feature with todays modern mobile phones. Add some fun and impress your friends and colleagues. Our mobile wallpapers are original and created here at the Cartoon Studio - you won't see these anywhere else on the net. They're NOT boring, you can download football and soccer mobile and cellphone wallpapers, you pick and choose! Come back on a regular basis as new designs will be added on a regular basis.
Personalising your mobile phone is the fun part of owning a mobile, and our cellphone wallpapers allow you to choose from many cartoon and joke backgrounds.
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Football/Soccer Jokes
You know soccer is taking over your life when...
You video games of Subbuteo for post game analysis
You refer to the sofa as a "dugout"
You can recall the names of all of the players who have played in winning World Cup teams, but can't remember the names of your best mates!

A goalkeeper was walking along the street one day when he heard screams from a nearby building. He looked up to see smoke billowing from a fourth-floor window and a woman leaning out holding a baby.
"Help ! Help!" screamed the woman, "I need someone to catch my baby!"

A crowd of onlookers had gathered, but none was confident about catching a baby dropped from such a great height. then the goalkeeper, stepped forward. "I'm a professional goalkeeper," he called to the woman. "I'm renonwned for my safe hands. Drop the baby and I will catch it. For me, it will be just like catching a ball."

The woman agreed:"Ok, then. When I drop my baby, treat it as if you were catching a ball."

On a count of three, the woman dropped the baby. Everyone held their breath as the goalkeeper lined himself up to catch it. There was a huge sigh of relief, followed by wild cheering as the goalkeeper caught the baby safely in his arms. Then he bounced it twice on the ground and kicked it 50 yards down the street.

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